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CEN/TC 264 publishes 2 new standards on air quality
share: Updated:2023-08-28 00:00:00

In July 2023, the CEN Technical Committee 264 ‘Air quality’ published the two new documents EN 15267-1:2023 ‘Air quality - Assessment of air quality monitoring equipment - Part 1: General principles of certification’ and EN 15267-2:2023  ‘Air quality - Assessment of air quality monitoring equipment - Part 2: Initial assessment of the manufacturer’s quality management system and post certification surveillance for the manufacturing process’ to improve measurement of air pollutants and support environmental protection.

Air quality monitoring equipment (AQME) is used to measure and monitor the quality of air in the environment. AQME can be used to measure a variety of air pollutants, including particulate matter, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide. AQME is used by a variety of stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, and individuals.


The assessment of AQME is important to ensure that the equipment is accurate and reliable. The assessment is based on a number of factors, including the performance of the equipment, the quality management system of the manufacturer, and the surveillance of the manufacturing process.


The assessment of AQME is a complex process that requires a number of expertise. It is an important part of ensuring that AQME is used to provide accurate and reliable data on air quality.


These documents establish the general principles of certification, including common procedures and requirements, for the certification of air quality monitoring facilities, as well as the initial assessment of the manufacturer's manufacturing control and the ongoing monitoring of the impact of subsequent design changes.

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