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The new EU Reg. 2022/2480 and its impact on CEN and CENELEC’s decision processes on deliverables under Standardization request
share: Updated:2023-07-20 00:00:00

The new Regulation (EU) 2022/2480 of 14 December 2022, amending Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 and focusing on the decisions on European standardization organisations concerning European standards and European standardization deliverables, will be applicable as of 9 July 2023.

This important piece of legislation, part of the wider new European Standardization Strategy, provides that the following decisions are to be taken exclusively by representatives of CEN and CENELEC Blue-Type Members, i.e. National Standardization Bodies and National Committees of the EEA countries:

.1.decisions on the acceptance and refusal of standardization requests;

.2.decisions on the acceptance of new work items that are needed for the fulfilment of standardization requests;

.3.decisions on the adoption, revision and withdrawal of European standards or European standardization deliverables.

CEN and CENELEC Technical Boards (BTs) have unanimously agreed on how to implement this provision when working on subjects covered by Standardization Requests or valid Mandates (mandated work), while keeping all Members deeply involved in European standardization. The new agreement includes:

• Installing a systematic double counting of votes, i.e. always display:

• the outcome of the voting of all Members

• the outcome of the voting of Blue-type Members only

• In case of discrepancies, the final decision will be taken by the Blue-type Members after discussion in the relevant BT(s).

This measure, already included in the 2023 revised version of CEN and CENELEC Internal Regulation Part 2, will be applied to all decisions on mandated work that will be launched as of Monday 10 July 2023.

While some decisions lie under the responsibility of the Technical Boards – and will be handled by the BTs secretariat – others would potentially require actions from the Technical Body Officers, such as:

.1.Approval of mandated deliverables

.2.Approval of mandated New Work Items (this concerns CEN only)

When the voting result is ‘pending’, there is an action to do for the concerned TC.

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